Monday, February 11, 2013

Plug, Plug, Plug

Yay! Tech week for Sense and Sensibility is over! This is my most challenging show yet but I also think it's the best show we've done this season. Go see it!

Ermahgerd! Berk Clerb! is having our 4th meeting on Saturday, February 16th at 9:30pm CST! Add me on Google Plus to watch. Join our group on Goodreads and comment in our forums!

A friend of mine just launched her business as a wellness coach. She's gluten-free and dairy-free and a really cool person. She's also a member of Ermahgerd! Berk Clerb! Even if you're not looking for one-on-one coaching, she has a really neat blog. Check her out!

WHOA! So many plugs. Sorry y'all, just excited about everything. Speaking of excited, I joined an a capella group and we have our first rehearsal tonight. I'm kinda nervous but yeah... so excited. I've been wanting to be in an a capella group for forever but I always thought it was never going to happen. But then one day a good friend of mine asked me, very randomly, if I wanted to join one she was starting up and I immediatly responded with, "It's only my greatest dream ever!" I'll let you know how it goes.

On the nerdier side of things, we may be starting our weekly Dungeons and Dragons sessions again, this time with a new Dungeon Master, who isn't trying to get his master's degree, and has a bit more time on his hands. I'm sooooooo happy we're doing this again.

So, since the holidays and vacation is over, I need to get back into the swing of my life, and the point of this blog. I haven't done any recipes in awhile! My goal for this week, will be to cook up something yummy and blog about it next Monday. Also, I am hoping to get started on starting my business of making and selling hair fascinators. If any one has any recommendations for website designers or programmers, let me know. I'd like to do this for realz.

Sorry this post is short and busy. Here's a picture of my cat:

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